She fed him tenderly, as if he were a baby bird

5 Mar


In Nikki Savva’s EXPLOSIVE NEW BOOK the author describes a dinner at which then Prime Minister Tony Abbott was observed being fed food from a fork by his then chief of staff, Peta Credlin. Ms Credlin, it’s reported, took the food from her own plate.

Obviously the two of them had a pretty interesting thing going, though it would be more interesting if she’d fed him with her fingers rather than a fork, and then let him suck them.

I’m not doing any in-depth blah de blah about this latest bit of culinary codswallop because I can’t be arsed.

In a week in which Donald Trump told the world he has a GREAT BIG WILLY BIGGER EVEN THAN HIS HAIR, it seems fitting that the next piece of news was Peta and Tony’s food sex, closely followed by the information that Rupert Murdoch married Jerry Hall in London. Let’s hope his wedding night taxes his strength, which will be the only form of taxing Rupert’s experienced in a while.

I’m imagining now a situation in which the LNP loses the coming election, dumps Malcolm, reinstates Tony and Peta and we have the deja vu thingy all over again.

Here is some gratuitous advice for the failed Prime Minister’s wife, Mrs Margaret Abbott, as gleaned from Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry:

When my husband had an affair with someone else I watched his eyes glaze over when we ate dinner together and I heard him singing to himself without me, and when he tended the garden it was not for me. 

I considered my choices.

I could stay and be unhappy and humiliated.

I could leave and be unhappy and dignified.

I could beg him to touch me again.

I could live in hope and die in bitterness

I took some things and left. It wasn’t easy, it was my home too. 

There’s a lesson in that for all of us.




12 Responses to “She fed him tenderly, as if he were a baby bird”

  1. Anonymous March 5, 2016 at 6:44 pm #

    Sleeping at the police academy ?


  2. paul walter March 5, 2016 at 7:31 pm # are not hinting that these stoic Catholic warriors were anything but confrateres in the battle against godless atheism?

    Truth be, I have felt sorry for Margie for a long time. Even if his relationship with Credlin was correct and above board, he did nothing to enhance this impression- to me, quite the opposite.

    Whatever Credlin is, you can’t escape the conclusion that Abbott is a unbalanced dork with all identity and rationality fled in the presence of ego and self will run riot. In short, daft as a cut snake.

    The story makes an interesting parallel to a wedding involving two other suspect individuals under way in London just now.

    I digress.

    Apparently the motley Savva (yes, I find her physically loathsome) is tied to the Turnbull camp and this is just the latest salvo in the Tory civil war between Turnbull and Abbott. Yet even the Guardian still has the cheek to propose tha this civil war is not overt, despite this being so virtual since turnbull became PM.Then there is Fairfax, all over the shop like a dog’s breakfast (there is a ruder variation) after trying to cook up the misguided Sheehan artficial beat up to distract attention away from this ugly nonsense, that would have been shouted to the heavens concerning it, had it involved, say, people like Rudd and Gillard.

    How dare these ethically-challenged challenged intestinal msm worms claim Abbott is not more deranged and destructive than Kevin Rudd, who at least worked hard enought to shield our country from the GFC.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jennifer Wilson March 6, 2016 at 7:11 am #

      Your guess is as good as, probably better then mine, PW.
      I find Savva irritating and manipulative so I’m not reading her trashy book, but I might watch her on Insiders this morning.


  3. paul walter March 5, 2016 at 7:34 pm #

    Amazing..just turned up on the ABC news jincluding a factoid about Fierravanti-Wells and Joyce warning Abbott to ditch the witch (sorry) before the party sacked him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jennifer Wilson March 6, 2016 at 7:14 am #

      Yes, he was warned that their relationship needed to end several times, but did not heed the warnings. I can actually imagine them refraining from consummation so they could truthfully say there was no sex, but consummation is a vert narrow definition of sex, and withholding likely only made the whole thing far more intense and obsessive. As Blake said, there’s perils in denying desire. Can’t remember how he said it right at this moment.


      • paul walter March 6, 2016 at 5:53 pm #

        Ha,ha,ha…that’s priceless. All that medieval guilt and frustration fuelling the pranks, rancour and anti social behaviours.

        Where are the hair shirts and whips?

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Gina March 5, 2016 at 9:38 pm #

    If there is any truth about the affair (because I find it hard to imagine them together as anything more than colleagues) Margie might do a Hillary, or she might send him packing. I guess we’ll have to wait in holding breath, in suspense for the next revelation. What next? Proof. Her nickers in his travel bag? 😜

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jennifer Wilson March 6, 2016 at 7:16 am #

      I have no idea if they actually did it, but there was a peculiar relationship between them that was no good for anyone else or the country.
      As for Margie – women in her situation have choices, and she’s so far chosen to stand by her man and be pitied.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. doug quixote March 6, 2016 at 12:03 am #

    BTW, I love the dead as a dodo drawing. 🙂 Two dead dodos, if only they will stay dead.

    But like Howard, Downer, Costello and Kennett, you may depend these revenants will be around to haunt us for decades to come. Add in the undead Andrews, Abetz and Ruddock. Avaunt!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. townsvilleblog March 7, 2016 at 9:30 am #

    Judging by that it was definitely an affair.

    Liked by 1 person

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