I’m Joe Hockey. You’re not.

15 May

Stop the war on the poorTreasurer Joe Hockey’s comments today on the effects of his budget cuts on those less financially advantaged  should convince, if one is not not already convinced, that the conservative, or as some would have it the neo conservative mind lacks the imaginative ability to consider the inevitable complexities of a capitalist society, and is also singularly lacking in any desire to inform itself on the same.

In an interview with Chris Uhlmann on ABC radio’s AM program  this morning, Hockey declared that those strapped for cash will have to realise that a $22 packet of cigarettes will pay for three trips to the emergency room, two middies of beer will do the same, and surely, any parent worth his or her salt will choose the emergency room for the kids over their own pleasure.

When asked how he would fare if  in his twenties, out of work and denied benefits Hockey replied, “Well, I’d expect to be in a job.”

Uhlmann then says: “People on a fixed income, pensioners for example, might find it difficult…they might have to make choices in life.”

Hockey: “Well, we do have to make choices…”

In Joe Hockey’s ideology a packet of cigarettes and a couple of middies enjoyed by the poor is a vice. The poor are not entitled to enjoyment of any kind because they are poor, and poverty is immoral. Immoral people without means can’t expect to have any fun. That’s the price they must pay for their immorality.

Hockey’s own enjoyment of cigars and Grange Hermitage is an entitlement, basically because he’s Joe Hockey and the poor aren’t. Hockey may also be immoral, there are many who might hold that view, but he is comfortably off and immoral, so he is entitled to enjoyment.

Yes, the Abbott government’s awareness of the complexities of Australian society in 2014 is that simplistic. It’s Dickensian. Soon they’ll bring back debtors’ prisons.

If a government cannot afford compassion, it is a government of sociopaths. If it cannot govern with common sense, it is a crazed government. If it is driven entirely by ideology and considers its citizens merely as stereotypes, it is a gravely dangerous government and it ought to be thrown out at the earliest opportunity. If it wages war on the unworthy poor in order that it might protect the interests of the worthy wealthy it’s on its way to becoming an oligarchy.

But hey. I’m Joe Hockey. You’re not.


12 Responses to “I’m Joe Hockey. You’re not.”

  1. Jo May 15, 2014 at 4:39 pm #

    Sadly the mentality that poverty only comes from laziness still pervades our society. Seems Joe Hockey is just another Gina Rinehart.


  2. gerard oosterman May 15, 2014 at 4:53 pm #

    Can’t wait for the ABC 7.30 report. Sarah Ferguson is a genius for sticking the interviewee to the subject and getting straight answers. That’s a bit of an effort with the libs.


    • Novel Activist May 15, 2014 at 8:43 pm #

      Like all journos she goes for the gotcha moment. Tonight she asked questions she knew very well couldn’t be answered. It is about fucking time journos stopped trying to be a part of the political process and stuck to reporting and explaining.


  3. DeeEmmDee (@DebinMelbourne) May 15, 2014 at 5:18 pm #

    I have been similarly distressed after hearing Kevin Andrews blatantly assert that all young DSP recipients ‘sit on the couch’ and thus deserve to be re-assessed and put to work. These people governing our country have no heart, no imagination and deserve to be ousted as soon as possible.


  4. doug quixote May 15, 2014 at 11:07 pm #

    Well said Jennifer.

    “If a government cannot afford compassion, it is a government of sociopaths. If it cannot govern with common sense, it is a crazed government. If it is driven entirely by ideology and considers its citizens merely as stereotypes, it is a gravely dangerous government and it ought to be thrown out at the earliest opportunity.”

    A superb paragraph.

    But if I may rewrite the last sentence:

    If it wages war on what it calls the unworthy poor in order that it might protect the interests of the worthy wealthy it’s on its way to becoming a police state.


  5. Sam Jandwich May 16, 2014 at 12:25 pm #

    Still trying to digest the budget. I think I have been deliberately removing myself from exposure to all things political a bit recently, so it’s all come as a bit of a shock to have not just the mysanthropic policy decisions raining down, but also to here the level of vitriol with which these are delivered.

    What worries me most is the withholding of Newstart from young people for 6 months. I expect to see a jump in the suicide rate as a direct result.


    • samjandwich May 16, 2014 at 12:25 pm #



      • samjandwich May 16, 2014 at 12:26 pm #

        [hear hear][


    • doug quixote May 18, 2014 at 9:42 pm #

      I agree. Expect hundreds of suicides by young adults as a result.

      This government is a disgrace.


  6. Marilyn May 16, 2014 at 4:32 pm #

    None of the moronic MSM or the ALP have made the connection between cutting $8 billion from foreign aid and the obsessive spending of $8 billion to keep jailing refugees.


  7. paul walter May 18, 2014 at 10:58 pm #

    Contrast the wickedness of the working classes with their indulgences and extravagances; even to unspeakable cigarettes and beer ( beer- “the only honest man”) also women’s chocolates. Contrast that with the self denying, self sacrificing sanctity of Sinodinos, Murdoch, Rinehart and …Joe Hockey!

    They are very destructive..DQ and Marilyn’s examples at different levels also demonstrate the insanity, hence wastefulness, of this all over the floor like a mad dog’s breakfast of a lunatic government.



  1. 73rd Down Under Feminist Carnival! | The Conversationalist - August 11, 2015

    […] at No Place For Sheep looks at Joe Hockey’s response to his budget in her post I’m Joe Hockey. You’re not. Hockey’s comments clearly position the poor as immoral and undeserving of pleasure and being […]


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