Abbott’s ‘War on Everything’

13 Jan

Before the September 2013 election, Prime Minister Tony Abbott, a staunch Catholic who once embarked on training for the priesthood, revealed that he prayed to God every day that he would win the contest, and form the next Australian government.

It would be interesting to ask the PM how much of his victory he attributes to God hearkening to, and answering his prayers. I assume Abbott gives no small measure of thanks for achieving his deepest desire.

I also assume that as well as a believing in his mandate from the people, Abbott believes he’s mandated by God. At least, it feels safer to assume that is the case, than to pretend it couldn’t be thus. Know thine enemy.

This aspect of Abbott occurs to me every time I hear he has declared war on yet one more issue. His ‘wars’ seem to be based on moral assumptions infused with traditional Catholic morality, argued like the crafty theologian he almost became. As an example his statement on November 15 2013, on torture: ‘My government deplores the use of torture but we accept that sometimes in difficult circumstances difficult things happen.’ This sentence seems to me to encapsulate the trickiness of being simultaneously moral and amoral,  a talent I have long associated with some theologians, most recently those who’ve argued for the Catholic church in the matter of child abuse.

Perhaps it’s being too generous to assume any morality in the statement at all, rather it gives merely a token nod in morality’s direction.

So far we’ve had the war on scientists and the entire body of climate change science, the war on education, the war on drunken louts ‘king-hitting’ innocent bystanders, the war on Holden, the war on NDIS, the war on the NBN, the war on same-sex marriage, the war on everything the previous ALP government introduced for apparently no reason other than that it was introduced by them, and then we have the war on people smugglers. This latter war is perhaps the only ALP policy Abbott has chosen to retain and build upon.

I imagine Abbott envisioning himself as a war-time PM, chosen to implement the policies his deity wants to see enacted, some of which include a good deal more attention to said deity’s alleged preferences than we are used, as a secular state, to allowing. What little we are allowed to hear the PM say is invariably infused with moral references, even the ‘liberation’ of those sacked by Holden has moral overtones in its implication that an opportunity for self-improvement has been offered to the newly unemployed, and it is their moral duty to avail themselves of it to the utmost.

There is much in Abbott’s sanctimony and righteousness that reminds me of Tony Blair at the height of his zealous and wickedly dishonest prosecution of the invasion of Iraq. The notion of a ‘just war’ got all Blair’s boyish juices flowing, and I imagine the same can be said of Abbott, even if he has not, as yet, had any war of global significance that he can use, as did Blair, to thoroughly establish his faux gravitas at home and on the world stage. We have as yet seen only glimpses of Abbott the unctuous moral crusader, disguised in the garments of a benevolent guardian, solemnly assuring us that it, whatever it happens to be, is for our collective own good. I suspect we are in for a good deal more.

The two Tonys even look a bit alike:TonyBlair

Abbott also appears to hold a traditional conservative Christian perspective on the natural world, that is, it is here for man’s [sic] use, not as a source of wonder, pleasure and enrichment, but rather as a resource for exploitation. So there’s a war on the natural world and all its sentient beings as well.

The war paradigm would seem to be Abbott’s central organising principle. His natural state perhaps, a mentality born of the confluence of ignorance, fear, prejudice and profit, a mentality shared by enough of the voting public to get him into office. This paradigm is closely related to the law and order paradigm so enthusiastically embraced by that other Liberal head of state, Campbell Newman. Deterrence and incarceration are its hallmarks, supported by the Christian virtues of teaching, reproving, correcting, cracking down with the full force of the law, and training in righteousness for those who are conspicuously lacking in these qualities.

Whether or not Abbott will wage a war on women remains to be seen. His views on abortion are well known, as evidenced in this piece authored by him and titled ‘Abortion rate highlights our moral failing.’ Personally, I doubt anything dramatic will be done by this government to offend women, rather, there will be a slow erosion in the form of the reduction of services with a timely dollop of theatrical distraction so we hardly notice what’s happening until it’s too late and they’ve changed the legislation enough to cause us inconvenience and distress. With Cory Bernardi and DLP Senator John Madigan doing all the dirty work, Abbott doesn’t have to say much. There’s also a strong group of anti-choicers in the ALP and we’ve learned, to our amazement, how certain moral panics can bring about the allegiance of very strange bedfellows, such as the Christian right and radical feminists in the matter of pornography.

By far the most cruel war currently being waged by Abbott is his sustained and increasingly vicious attacks on asylum seekers. Abbott and his Minister Scott Morrison, another Christian, though of different variety, unashamedly use the full-blown rhetoric of war when justifying the government’s position on refugees arriving here by boat. The efforts of these two publicly religious men to beat hapless asylum seekers into submission, as detailed in the above link, beggar belief, from a secular point of view at least.

When asked what is the best piece of advice he could ever give anyone, Abbott replied ‘Avoid the occasion of sin.’ So if he is committed to his war mentality, one can only assume that for him every war he’s fighting is a just one. This, for mine, makes him a dangerous man.

Or as Yeats observed in The Second Coming: The best lack all conviction, while the worst/ are full of passionate intensity.

Abbott intensity

67 Responses to “Abbott’s ‘War on Everything’”

  1. Bailey's Mother January 13, 2014 at 5:25 pm #

    Don’t forget Abbott’s exhortation to the ALP “…to repent of its massive breach of faith with the Australian people in the last Parliament.” Repent. A churchy loser indeed. As his daughter perceptively, if unintentionally, observed.


  2. Monicas wckd stpmthr (@Monicas_WS) January 13, 2014 at 5:51 pm #

    George W Bush, too, wanted to be a war leader. I believe he referred to the invasion of Afghanistan as a “crusade” until he was told to pull his head in by people who know what “crusade” means to the islamic world. Tony Blair and GWB seemed to feed off each other.

    In GWB’s case, I believe that the Republican strategists wanted a war so that the country would unite behind the President (especially considering the outcome of the 2000 election). After 9/11, GWB’s approval rating hit 89%. It is well known in Social Psychology that you don’t get an US (a united group) unless you have a THEM (the enemy, the other, those who hate us for our freedoms etc). Abbott could be using the war analogy to try and create an US, although I do hope he isn’t planning (or letting happen) a terrorist strike.


    • Jennifer Wilson January 13, 2014 at 7:07 pm #

      Howard played the us & them card very well. Classic conservative strategy?


    • Mark Norrie January 14, 2014 at 5:06 pm #

      Sorry but the terrorist strike has already happened. You are looking right at them.


  3. paul walter January 13, 2014 at 7:02 pm #

    That is a cracker thread are back in TOP form, JW.


    • Jennifer Wilson January 13, 2014 at 7:06 pm #

      Thank you PW. Good to be back


      • samjandwich January 13, 2014 at 8:11 pm #

        Indeed it is!

        It’s a sorry mess alright. and what I’d most like to know is, what does TA think and mumble about to himself, when he’s kneeling by the side of the bed, striped pyjamas and all (nudity being reserved for those “special nights”), at the end of a long but deeply satisfying day. Does he think about the people he is hurting, and does he ask God for forgiveness and the strength to carry on? I think deep down he must feel conflicted, but that the excercise of declaring his private remorse and recieving absolution must help him to carry on with his sacred duty, to save these sinners from their avarice. Shit happens.


        • Jennifer Wilson January 13, 2014 at 9:28 pm #

          That is a brilliant track, Sam. Love it.


        • helvityni January 14, 2014 at 9:01 am #

          Sam, for a while I kept track of Abbott’s sins and wars…almost daily I had to add a new mishap, disaster on the my list…

          Seeing my list at night depressed me too much, I could not sleep, I tore the list in shreds, and took up meditation, now I sleep like an angel…(do angels sleep? )


          • samjandwich January 14, 2014 at 1:52 pm #

            Everyone’s an angel when they’re asleep Helvi*. It’s only depression and worry that keep people awake, so definitely best to remove the sources of them from your life. Having a comfy bed helps as well. Glad to hear that’s going well for you!

            *unless you suffer from sexsomnia!


            • hudsongodfrey January 14, 2014 at 2:21 pm #

              I’d never heard of sexsomnia, but would have known what it was anyway from the name. This culture gets to us doesn’t it? I think you may either have assigned the opposite of being an “angel” to an involuntary sleep disorder, or found an interesting new defence for Julian Assange. Either way, this culture projects negativity towards sexuality in ways we scarcely even notice.


              • samjandwich January 14, 2014 at 7:21 pm #

                Oh, I think there’s something to be said for the negativity of this particular example.

                For instance, it prevents me from being able to stay in youth hostels!!


                • hudsongodfrey January 15, 2014 at 12:38 am #

                  Damn that must be an inconvenience!


          • Mark Norrie January 14, 2014 at 5:09 pm #

            You can find a full list of their crimes on: I hope I don’t ruin your sleep.


            • helvityni January 15, 2014 at 8:21 am #

              Thanks Mark, that list is even longer than mine; I’ll compare them today….I might now have nightmares even when awake 🙂


  4. hudsongodfrey January 14, 2014 at 12:51 am #

    The only thing Abbott doesn’t seem to have caused yet is a war. Granted he might be trying with Indonesia, but until then I don’t know that there’s a war on anything much less everything. What there is, amounts to a number of broken promises and no real basis for continued trust of this Prime Minister or his government.

    It seems to me the actual usage of the phrase “war on everything” here takes its lead from the American usage as in “War on Terror” and “War on Drugs”. Neither these wars are particularly sensible much less actually winnable as a matter of fact, and both appear to be the kind of distractions that some believe are calculated in an effort to feed what Eisenhower identified as the Military Industrial Complex.

    I don’t think Abbott has the clout much less the brains to come up with something even approaching one of those kinds of “Wars” (sic).

    If on the other hand we attribute some of his lousy ideology on something then noting that he takes his lead from John Howard and perhaps from the grand sky daddy there’s every chance its obsequiousness. Most of this forelock tugging would seem to be to captains of industry, media barons and the Austrian school of economics as educed by the IPA.

    When it comes to religion especially his you’ll see culture wars and a great deal of other scent marking because that’s most likely to be what his version of faith means to a man like Abbott. It’s a cultural trope that affords him status amongst his social class. Nobody actually has to believe it for that to work, and if they did we’d be in even more trouble because taken literally Christianity is a messianic death cult advocating vicarious redemption through blood sacrifice. Perish the thought!

    What tends to happen seems to be that even when the new Pope preaches faith hope and charity they ignore it choosing instead to emphasise elements of dogma that set believers apart from secular society and create divisions along sectarian lines. Anyone seeing this with neutral detachment might leap immediately to the conclusion that this behaviour scales iniquitous heights, but to a cultural crusader it is makes precisely the only kind of sense that matters. It offers the prospect of political victory over others who being outside the fold are designated opponents of an ideology whose very formulation serves no purpose more paramount than to establish a dominant paradigm.

    As we all know there’s nothing so fearful as a dominant paradigm in the service of a vainglorious purpose.


    • Poirot January 14, 2014 at 9:35 am #

      Hi Jennifer, great to see you doing your stuff.

      Frankly, I don’t believe we should imbue Tony Abbott with any sort of depth – cultural or religious. (Remember, he ditched his seminary studies because he learned a mate of his was doing big buck deals – thought that sounded more appealing than working on Desert Father essays)

      He’s a thug…a thug who is doing the bidding of the IPA.

      Religion as employed by the likes of Abbott and Morrison is merely a white robe to drape over their cruelties. It is so reminiscent of the same sort of jumped-up false piety that has always reigned when certain upper middles run the show.

      Morrison appears to be uncommonly sadistic…etc

      In fact, this entire outfit are all impeccably suited to carry out their dirty work – and are all marionettes dancing to the tune of their masters.


      • helvityni January 14, 2014 at 12:03 pm #

        Well said, Poirot, the lot of them clones of the top dog…no light at the end of the tunnel…


      • hudsongodfrey January 14, 2014 at 2:55 pm #

        Are you asking me, or just replying to Jennifer’s article in the wrong column?

        I don’t think that the attempt is to imbue, much less that the label thug quite fits. I think we’re probably just trying to come to grips with adversity and the kinds of brutes who cause it.

        There’s a well worn dialectic wherein theists blame atheism for murderous authoritarian regimes while the counter narrative evokes crusades and the inquisition. I agree with the part of your analysis that describes religion as the “white robe to drape over their cruelties”, but the apologetic that is always used is that the misdeeds of errant men contradict the ideology whose name they besmirch. The thing to remember though is that it may, and indeed usually does, work both ways. There are clearly versions of communism that we could spin in a positive light, like aspects of socialism more familiar under other names such as social justice or socialised medicine that underpin the systems of government in most of the developed world.

        In other words I’m not sure that even they believe that they’re concealing their motives. They merely appear to think that they can get away with it as long as they have the numbers. That never lasts forever but the pity of it, apart from damage done in the meantime, is that one small group of reactionaries can set us up for a cycle of culture wars that will probably last for the best part of a generation.

        Or are we not still trying to undo damage done by the two H’s, Howard and Hanson?


        • Poirot January 14, 2014 at 7:15 pm #


          “Are you asking me, or just replying to Jennifer’s article in the wrong column? ”

          I wasn’t asking you – nor did I realise there was “a wrong column”…was just having my say.

          I agree with you regarding Howard and the LNP’s usurping of Hanson’s agenda.

          But this mob knew exactly what they were concealing proir to this election…which is why they’re presently wheeling out their “surprises”. Get ’em out early, leaves plenty of time for pork barrelling before next election.

          Not that that will save them.

          As for Morrison and Abbott’s “war footing” designed to conceal abuses in “detention camps” and now the practice of dumping and abandoning people at sea – I’m speechless.


          • hudsongodfrey January 15, 2014 at 12:37 am #

            Do you see how the replies indent, that was what threw me. To not reply to other posters you have to go all the way down the bottom. Please don’t consider my mentioning this to be chiding or condescendingly meant I was just genuinely unsure.

            Anyway we agreed, mostly. Their gall leaves a lot of us speechless to be sure!


      • Mark Norrie January 14, 2014 at 5:15 pm #

        He is a thug. I would also suggest upon looking at his sallow complexion and unnaturally tautened facial skin (skin stretched over a skull someone recently remarked) that Abbott probably has liver and/or bile-duct cancer. Judging by his irrational and violent behaviour I would also venture to suggest that he has right temporal lobe brain damage, just ask any Neurologist.


        • hudsongodfrey January 14, 2014 at 5:57 pm #

          Not to mention temporal lobe epilepsy, explaining religious delusions, elephantiasis of the ears, fleas, bromhidrosis, haemorrhoids fit to make Christopher Pyne weep, a lazy left eye and a red right hand!


          • samjandwich January 14, 2014 at 7:40 pm #

            SSSHHHH! I believe [they] said similar things about Christopher Hitchens, that lucky sod who chanced to check out of here in the prime of his life, without even having to commit suicide!!

            I’d rather TA [babytalk for “thank you” ironically enough] lived long enough to get rheumatoid arthritis, and to observe the consequences of his puerile actions.

            Though having said that, I am reminded of my thoughts about John Howard whom I thought was very difficult to say a bad word about, for the simple reason that to be insulted made him feel significant. Tony I think wouldn’t quite have that reaction – rather he would probably pity the poor soul who couldn’t see the light, and would concurrently lock them in the dark dungeon of his mind, to be dealt with via ingenious methods at a time that suited him better.


            • hudsongodfrey January 15, 2014 at 12:41 am #

              I neglected to add that sometime soon the last whips of a hairline seen set to recede and reveal the 666 on his cranium…. 😉

              Seriously! No I wasn’t being…. But I think it may be cathartic to exaggerate thus.


              • doug quixote January 15, 2014 at 7:33 am #

                The skin of the Tabbott’s face is so tightly drawn because of the plastic surgery to remove the 666 tattoo. Believe it or not but the ears have been reduced. Parkes needed a new dish.


        • TechinBris January 18, 2014 at 9:05 am #

          Thug! That is the word that gave rise to the term “Fascist” in Italy during the insanity that was Musolini, read in some text book long ago.
          Fascism is what Abbott an his Henchmen handout to all that will happily accept it, and force on those who see it for what it is and reject it. CAN’T Newman is the same ilk.
          I know if they start registering people for this and that, especially Mental Health as a Gold Coast Minister is trying to do, I will turn up at the Police Station and register myself as having a mental condition, because I am still living in Queensland where they vote Fascists into power! If everyone did it, it would be completely useless, just as a waste of our Law enforcement resources, that the VLAD is, along with utilising the same resources for the terrorizing of the Electorate that have now lost their Constitutional right to free association. Fascism, pure and simple is the new Liberal mantra! Menzies would recoil in horror at what they have done. (He did say that “The Fools have taken over” not long after his retirement)


      • Jennifer Wilson January 15, 2014 at 12:52 pm #

        Just watched a Morrison press conference – he has refined his style from thug to plausible Minister. Be very afraid!!!


        • hudsongodfrey January 15, 2014 at 1:33 pm #

          Does that mean you earlier found it somewhat implausible that he could really have allowed his “natural bastardness…. grow and develop and take a meaningful shape in today’s complex society.”


        • TechinBris January 18, 2014 at 9:09 am #

          He’s still a Thug, still a Fascist. We could call him Mary the Contrary, but he would still be a Fascist. If it walks and talks like a Fascist…………


  5. hudsongodfrey January 15, 2014 at 1:37 am #

    I’d say this means we can add cowardice to the list of things we don’t like about Morrison!


  6. Marilyn January 15, 2014 at 3:20 am #

    There are no smugglers, Abbott and Rudd and Gillard wage war on refugees


    • doug quixote January 15, 2014 at 7:29 am #

      Abbott and who? Wasn’t aware the others are even in politics.

      Perhaps you mean Abbott and Morrison and the Keystone Kops government they “lead”.


  7. what's up doc January 15, 2014 at 4:39 am #

    On another post in a Internet article not so long ago, I said that I thought the most dangerous thing about Abbott, and Pyne et al are that they appear to believe what they are saying. This makes it hard to get them to change their minds, for a person who truly believes that what they say is the truth and what they do is right is very hard to sway. You cannot accuse them of lying for in their own realm of knowledge they are not lying. All who fail to see things their way are worthy of compassion for not seeing the light – which means you are also following a dogma not unlike unshakable religious faith, which, as has been pointed out in the article, seems to be the catch-phrase of the Abbott govt. Of course, one then has the business leaders who, being successful and spouting a similar dogma to the Abbott govt prove beyond reasonable doubt that God favours the business man as He (God) has made him (businessmen and honorary business eunichs like Gina) successful in both financial terms and in the ability to impart his (businessmen again) beliefs to others.(already believers).


    • doug quixote January 15, 2014 at 7:22 am #

      There is no room for argument with a fanatic or a zealot. You can either agree with them or be their enemies. Don’t expect any special favours for agreeing with them; accepting “the Truth” is only what you should be doing!

      There are fanatics, zealots and bigots at both extremes of the spectrum. We know a few of each, do we not?


    • Jennifer Wilson January 15, 2014 at 12:52 pm #

      Yes, they possess a passionate intensity! Can’t argue with a believer.


      • hudsongodfrey January 15, 2014 at 1:29 pm #

        It almost begs the question whether if you could start a religion of sustainable energy use would you?

        Otherwise you might get to thinking that just as faith, hope and charity are to Christianity the things we most want to emphasise turn out to be non core values!


    • hudsongodfrey January 15, 2014 at 1:00 pm #

      If you mean to say that they don’t so much believe in the God of the Bible as they do in a kind of deification of their own entitlement then we heartily agree. The rest of course is a mere matter of apologetics, otherwise known as the devious art of making another’s words say anything that you want them to.

      When it comes to religion I’ve seen Muslims make the Kalaam cosmological argument, fundies using presuppositional apologetics (its enough to send sane adults into temper tantrums), and of course creationists arguing intelligent design. The constant seems to be a wish to understand a dash of solipsism and a dearth of the humility that is sorely needed to recognise that when we don’t know then we say that we don’t know and keep trying.

      Concentrating on the lack of humility may be the key to understanding how people who think enough of themselves to covet high office might latch onto a kind of self belief that given the necessity of parties within our system of government becomes the kind of group think that dovetails quite nicely with organised religion.

      You might almost exclaim “no wonder!”


      • doug quixote January 16, 2014 at 8:01 am #

        Ah, but they do know! They are very sure of it, and full of passionate intensity as Yeats put it.

        If people believe or are ready to let them have their way, we get religious wars, crusades, jihads, pogroms, genocides, and the oppression of everyone who “isn’t with us” or “won’t accept the truth” – they need “correction”.


        • hudsongodfrey January 16, 2014 at 11:57 am #

          They’re passionate about some things, but when you look as religion as I have you begin to see how selective and compartmentalised they’re thinking becomes. Dare I say even hypocritical!

          Their passionate intensity bears all the hallmarks of alignment with their passionate self interest. As followers of Austrian school economics I would have thought they know everything that is to be known about self interest!

          The warmongering I think is apparently independent of what “we” believe in which “they” don’t. The most accessible example of that I can think of would have to be the Irish troubles. It comes back to the fact that faith, hope and charity lack political currency because there’s little disagreement as to what is virtuous. You need something that can be built into an heretical evil in order to fight over it, that’s why issues like gay marriage reform and abortion are hot potatoes.

          So its all very well to recognise the cultural crusaders among us for the divisive leaches on social values that they are, the thing is sometimes we have to avoid rising to the bait. Until the things we agree are properly aspirational priorities take priority then even allowing some of the long list of things the Abbott government has targeted to dominate the agenda is aberrant. The essence of our critique in my view isn’t the nonsensical debate over dogma handed down by his invisible friend, it consists instead of a desperate need to get our priorities straight.


          • doug quixote January 16, 2014 at 7:05 pm #

            It has just occurred to me HG that you are very good at summing up the problems. Your three or four paragraph posts state the difficulty well, in two or three paras.

            The problem you have is finding a reasonable solution! Your final paragraphs almost invariably lose their way in platitudes conundrums and non sequiturs, and it is a shame.

            My proposal is that in a four para post, delete the last para, and in a five para post, you delete the last para or two, and then post! 🙂 Liberating!


            • hudsongodfrey January 16, 2014 at 8:26 pm #

              You should’ve seen the other crap I deleted! I’ll keep it in mind, but if I’d left it a three we’d have seemed too close to agreement, and that wouldn’t do at all!


    • samjandwich January 19, 2014 at 12:51 am #

      In reference to what’s up doc’s disconcerting but insightful observation that [these people] do in fact believe in what they’re saying, I thought i’d add that while refreshing my memory of Dante via Wikipedia the other day it occurred to me that Ta (sic as I’ve dropped the second capital) et al would likely consider people like us to be “benevolent heathens”, whose hearts are in the right place but who are nonetheless condemned to the first circle of hell for rejecting the true deity.

      Now, the first circle of hell really doesn’t sound all that unpleasant. In fact it sounds much like how I’d love the earth itself to be – ie much as it is now but completely lacking in both the sinless or fallen-but-redeemable god-botherers, and also the malevolents of all descriptions.

      What us benevolent heathens miss out on though, is the products of what God can imagine – which is to say that God is supposedly capable of imagining wonders the like of which would never picture even in the wildest dreams of low-lives such as ourselves.

      So my interpretation of this would be that, rather than thinking that they have some sense of entitlement to the high(er) moral ground, [these people] have a belief that there is something out there which no human being will ever be able to understand – but whose greatness may just be experienced one day, if only the dream can be kept alive.

      Which for someone confident in their secularity seems like a pitiful way to live one’s life… whereas Ta, with his loving-toughly nature, would no doubt pity those of us who cannot believe and will never get to experience the greatness of that which cannot be imagined.

      Could mutual pity be a basis for a productive relationship??


      • hudsongodfrey January 19, 2014 at 11:40 am #

        I like what you’re concluding and most of how you get there being so entertaining and all, but I think we’re bound to be somewhat uncertain of the premise that people believe what they’re saying as opposed to merely exploiting the credulity of others.

        Given the content of their ideology aren’t we reduced to questioning whether those who espouse it are fooling themselves or whether they’re just trying to fool others?


        • samjandwich January 22, 2014 at 7:01 pm #

          Not reduced. Once we are convinced that whoever it is we’re analysing is untrustworthy or lacks integrity then we become resigned perhaps, to questioning this in addition to many other things. But isn’t uncertainty the spice of life?!


          • hudsongodfrey January 22, 2014 at 9:37 pm #

            I’m not sure 🙂


  8. The Age of Blasphemy January 23, 2014 at 11:29 pm #

    Reblogged this on The Age of Blasphemy.


  9. bkr12 January 30, 2014 at 1:38 pm #

    You are spot on about the Tony Blair similarity. Tony Blair’s endless mantra of “I thought it was the right thing to do” was nauseating after he said it for the thousandth time. Right for who TB? Blair was another Tony who seemed to think he had divine intervention on his side. Our Tony’s monologues are always peppered with Biblical references. I respect people’s right to whatever faith they follow but it’s the underlying sense that they think everyone else is misguided or wrong which is dangerous. This country will need Heaven’s help with Abbott at the helm.


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    ciele żądzę poruszy. Jednakże nie miłuję go wprost przeciwnie w woniach.
    Przed dobędę w maleńko tej korony kłos wypachniony w nocy oddechu,
    Prawdopodobnie kolejnych kwiatów wazony zewsząd w mym ciele żądzę poruszy.
    Jednakże nie mogę w doznań pospiechu. Zapamiętania jest zacny tego, że nie miłuję go wręcz przeciwnie w woniach.
    Darmowe ogłoszenia. Darmowe ogłoszenia.
    Darmowe ogłoszenia. Darmowe ogłoszenia. . Darmowe ogłoszenia.
    kacper, potocki, wiersze, utwór poetycki, wiersze, wiersz, wiersze, poezje, poezje,
    poezje, poezje, poezje, wiersz, wiersze, poezje, poezje, poezja,
    wiersze, poezje, poezje, poezje, poezja,.


  22. Florene July 31, 2014 at 9:14 pm #

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  1. Abbott’s ‘War on Everything’ | lmrh5 - January 14, 2014

    […] Abbott’s ‘War on Everything’. […]


  2. My Choice (by Jezabel Jonson) | From guestwriters - October 19, 2015

    […] Abbott’s ‘War on Everything’ […]


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