Neeson, Racism, and Rape.

7 Feb


Liam Neeson is not an actor in whom I have the slightest interest. So spending the last couple of days discussing his actions has felt a little odd.

Out and about promoting his new film, a revenge saga, Neeson used a story from his own past as an example of the desire for revenge, and how irrational and primitive it can be.

Forty years ago, a close friend of his was raped. Neeson asked her if the perpetrator was a black man. The answer was in the affirmative. He offers no explanation as to why he asked that question.

For about a week Neeson cruised areas frequented by black men, hoping to provoke someone into a fight that would give him the opportunity to inflict serious harm. He wasn’t seeking the perpetrator. He admits that at the time he thought any “black bastard” would do.

Fortunately, he did not fully act out his revenge fantasy, realised his behaviour was irrational and dangerous, and sought help.

Confronted about the perceived racist nature of his fantasy, Neeson stated that he would have gone after any group that resembled the perpetrator: this rapist happened to be black. He expressed shame, disgust and regret for his fantasy and his acting out, however, he did not agree that either were racist.

His disclosure of this fantasy is puzzling. It isn’t hard to foresee the path down which such a confession will inevitably lead and it has, with global calls for a boycott of Neeson and his films, and quite likely the loss of future employment. Neeson has now been marked as an unrepentant racist, lacking the consciousness to recognise what he is, and what he did.

Going after a group as a surrogate for going after an individual perpetrator is a savage act, as Neeson acknowledged. It’s been pointed out that going after black men feeds into the racist belief that they are “all the same,” and had the rapist been white, Neeson wouldn’t have gone out looking for just any white man because white men are not perceived as “all the same,” at least, not by other white men.  People of other ethnicities have been known to observe the white people all look the same. However, it’s not likely that Neeson would have told himself that any “white bastard” will do: he would have needed some identifying characteristics that he didn’t feel he needed in his pursuit of black men.

In his explanation Neeson stated that he would have gone after “Scots, Irish, Lithuanians, Chinese”  implying that he didn’t care about the race of the rapist, his primary driver was revenge, and this rapist happened to be black.

It is the nature of a revenge fantasy that it be peopled by characters who most closely resemble the perpetrator. It makes no psychological and emotional sense that Neeson would construct a fantasy centred around a man who bore no resemblance at all to the description he had of the rapist. This is not to make an argument against Neeson’s alleged racism, about which I know nothing outside of this situation. It is to say there are many factors at work here, and it is wise to consider all of them, whether you believe Neeson to be a racist or not.

Post traumatic triggers and revenge fantasies.

Survivors of sexual assault, as adults or children or both, are familiar with the triggering experience that occurs involuntarily when something or someone triggers traumatic memories of the abuse. A powerful trigger is a reminder of the body of the abuser. You may remember the colour of an abuser’s skin, or hair, his breathing, the sound of his voice, his hands, his shape and size. You may encounter someone whose physical characteristics resemble those of the perpetrator, and you may find yourself immediately in a highly distressed state, a state that overwhelms you before you have consciously registered those similarities.

For example, two women told me yesterday that they had been stalked and abused by men of Asian appearance. Both women disclosed an ongoing fear of men of Asian appearance, and difficulties in managing their distress when encountering them. These women are not racists because they have these feelings. They are experiencing a “normal” post traumatic stress symptom when confronted with a trigger.

While there is obviously a world of difference between Neeson’s situation and the situation of a survivor of sexual abuse, there is one similarity. The revenge fantasy requires characters who most closely resemble a perpetrator. The trigger response requires encounters with situations and/or people who most closely resemble the perpetrator. Men of every ethnicity on earth  rape women. That is an horrific sentence to write.

Therefore, a revenge fantasy, be it created by an enraged male such as Neeson, or a raped woman, is going to feature characters who most closely resemble the perpetrators and that will be white men, black men, men of Asian appearance, men of Middle Eastern appearance, Chinese men, Mongolian men, Vietnamese men, Indian men, Sri Lankan men, need I go on?

Perhaps if the universal propensity of men to rape women is addressed, men such as Neeson will no longer be able to be racist about it.

The uses of fantasy

Next, we come to the uses of fantasy, and the frankly terrifying idea of policing the fantasies of others.

The therapeutic value of fantasy is well known. It offers a safe outlet for powerful feelings that otherwise have no expression. It relieves the suppression of feelings that can have negative physical, mental, emotional and psychological effects on an individual, and people around them. It can be immensely satisfying to fantasise misfortune and worse upon someone who has done you damage. In the ordinary course of events the fantasy runs its course and the fantasist moves on, released from crippling negative emotion. Neeson took his fantasy into the real world when he went looking for black men. It’s not unusual for people to do this, and still stop before they actually commit harm.

Neeson has copped a lot of judgmental criticism for having the fantasy he had, a fantasy deemed to be racist. His mistake was not in having the fantasy, which might well have helped to prevent him actually harming someone, but in admitting to it. Revenge fantasies are seldom pleasant. That’s their nature. The majority of us would not emerge from a scrutiny of our darker impulses particularly well, I am confident of that. Indeed, Neeson showed considerable courage, or some might say utter foolhardiness, in publicly confessing his fantasy of revenge.

I would like to raise here the horror of policing Neeson’s or anyone else’s fantasies, judging them unacceptable and condemning their creator.  I’m casting serious doubt on the mind set of people who have done and continue to do that. You disapprove of somebody’s fantasies? You think they should censor themselves in their own minds? You want to tell other people how they should fantasise and about what? You want control over another human’s fantasies? Really?

You are one scary motherfucker and I hope you never attain political office.

Fantasies are the one medium in which we can be at our very worst, without harming anyone. Writers, artists, filmmakers transpose fantasies into creative product we all consume. That last horror movie that so thrilled you?  Read Aristotle on catharsis.

Whatever Neeson’s intentions, and I have no idea what they were, they seem entirely self-destructive if the consequences are any measure, the outcome of his revelation is a global fire storm of condemnation, contempt, judgement, and nauseating self-righteousness.  Really, he should have kept his mouth shut and made a movie with the material.

We are creatures of the dark as well as the light. Neeson admitted his darkness. Sadly, the consequences of that admission will not encourage anyone else to do the same.








8 Responses to “Neeson, Racism, and Rape.”

  1. Diannaart February 7, 2019 at 3:41 pm #

    Neeson was expressing an honest part of his life from years ago … that’s all … but for the judgemental, the haters or the envious, this admission has provided a fertile heap from which to throw … well, claims that say more about the tossers rather than the tossee.


  2. carolyncordon February 7, 2019 at 4:23 pm #

    Without knowing more about it, I just sincerely hope he has seen the reality of this racist thing he has told about.


  3. 8 Degrees of Latitude February 7, 2019 at 7:12 pm #

    Great piece, Jennifer. I’ve posted it on my FB blog and Twitter, saying so. I expect it will generate a little flak there too. I hope so, so I can say what needs to be said, too. Cheers. RL.


  4. Shaun Newman February 8, 2019 at 5:44 am #

    This practice of seizing on any comment that a well known person makes and blowing it out of proportion seems to be journalistic sport these days, a great shame that more important matters were not concentrated on. For example we have far in excess of three million Australians living “below” the poverty line that it seems nobody cares about. Hunger and poverty doesn’t only exist in Africa. When I was a child there was a popular expression “charity begins at home” which meant that when all at home were looked after, then and only then, we should look around for others to help. I still subscribe to that theory.


    • Moz of Yarramulla February 10, 2019 at 9:48 am #

      I like to think that between them 20 million Australians can do more than one thing at a time. We can help to alleviate some of the worst suffering overseas while at the same time trying to reduce our contribution to that suffering, and even do both of those inside Australia as well.
      Sadly a lot of the things we can do to reduce suffering amount to “stop making it worse”, whether that be invading other countries or raping people. Then there is the big nasty: climate change. Why bother invading Bangladesh and destroying it when we can render it uninhabitable by burning coal and exporting coal? It’s not as fast as an invasion, but it’s a lot more thorough. And it’s something we can all do, every day… just jump in your car and drive.


  5. Moz of Yarramulla February 10, 2019 at 9:52 am #

    I am inclined to think that Neeson’s mistake was less talking about his fantasy, and more that he focussed on the sin rather than the redemption. Viz, rather than saying “yeah, back in the day I was stupid ann racist too, why when …. but since then I’ve grown up, learned about racism an I realise that what I did could easily have made me a criminal as well as prejudiced. And none of that would have helped my friend who was raped, or anyone else”.
    IMO it could have been a useful parable for everyone, but instead it seems likely to be yet another round of “I’m a rich white man and my mistakes don’t have lasting effects on me”… Louis CK is back in action I believe. Maybe Neeson just wants a year off and this is the only way he can get it?


  6. samjandwich February 12, 2019 at 3:32 pm #

    Thank you for your insights once again Jennifer – and yes I guess I had a similar reaction when reading through, ie that it makes no sense to deny that the way we perceive the things that people do and say are simply our interpretation of an expression of their complex inner workings, the likes of which we can never hope to understand fully; as to do so is to deny the dignity of humanity.

    And while on the subject of revenge fantasy… I’ve always thought this is something that has a deep cultural resonance for us Aussies who grew up singing Waltzing Matilda. It’s true that my own revenge fantasies often involve me harming myself, rather than doing direct harm to those who have wronged me – but doing so as a means to confronting authority figures with the realisation that the decisions they make weigh disproportionately on individuals. I rather wonder whether my impulse to set myself alight in my car whenever I get a parking ticket has something to do with the cultural cues I received growing up…Anyone else get that??


  7. LouiB Serendipity May 10, 2019 at 3:40 pm #

    I have just happened to find your blog. Your comments on Neeson, Fantasy, and all that, followed a good line. So, I was interested in seeing where you went with it. After explaining the value of fantasy to work out strong emotions, and criticising others for wanting to police other people’s fantasies, it seems you fell on your own sword. Surely there is some sense that Neeson has opened up the possibility for a healthy discussion of what are normal responses, the importance of NOT acting out, and the greater importance of challenging the values in societies that don’t acknowledge the existence of our shadows. Talking about this might help prevent another person from committing assault. Finally, his ‘error’ was to be more vulnerable than is typical, especially of men; and your conclusion will only make it harder for the next person.


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